Nea's Library

Books are friends

Mga Saranggola sa Tag Ulan

Mga Saranggola sa Tag-ulan (Kites in the Rain)

I don’t really like rain. It hurts my ear when the rain is pouring hard. I felt sad and scared at the same time. But this bookfriend – Mga Saranggola sa Tag-ulan, encouraged me to use my imagination during rainy days.

Bookfriend Profile

Author: Eugene Y. Evasco
Illustrator: Bernadette Solina-Wolf
Publisher: LG&M
Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-971-015-019-9

Language: Filipino/English
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 7 in x 9 in
No. of pages: 28 pages
Reading Age: 6 +

The boy named Miguel wanted to fly a kite. But it was already rainy season. His creativity and imagination didn’t stop him from making and “flying” his own kite. This inspired other kids in Miguel’s neighborhood. They also created their own kite. They flew their kite all together throughout the rainy days.

Mga Saranggola sa Tag-Ulan Page Preview

Nea’s Review

My favorite character is Miguel because he is creative and imaginative.
The book is fun, easy to read and understand.
What I learned is using your creativity and imagination, you can still have fun during gloomy days.

It’s good that the book is in dual language – Filipino and English. This makes the story more understandable.

5 stars

Purchased from Chikiting Book Website on October 4, 2020.

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