Nea's Library

Books are friends

My little pony Discord

My Little Pony : Discord and the Ponyville Players

I was 5 years old when My Little Pony chapter books were on display in the National Bookstore. Mommy browsed one book and I said to her that I want to try reading books like that.

After our 1st quarter grading during my Kinder year, I received this chapter book as my parents’ gift!

Let me share with you more about my first ever chapter book – My Little Pony Discord and the Ponyville Players.

Bookfriend Profile

Author: G.M. Berrow
Publisher: Orchard Books
Published: 2016
ISBN: 978 1 40833 833 9

Language: English
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 5 in x 8 in
No. of pages: 127 pages
Age Recommendation: 6 +

This is the story wherein Discord moved to Ponyville because of his secret special assignment from Princess Celestia – to be part of the upcoming Ponyville Players Spring Musical. This mission would prove his loyalty to Equestria. But being the King of Chaos, he did some playful tricks to Ponyville. So when there were unfortunate events during the rehearsals of the musical, the blame was always put on Discord despite his innocence. Hurt by what the villagers thought of him, he thought of the plan to prove that he did not do anything wrong. With Twilight’s approval, he disguised as Tony Stanza during the musical. He caught the culprit without ruining the show. The musical was a success! As a reward, Princess Celestia gave him his long lost clownfish, Quincy or Q. Discord earned the trust of Ponyville and happily returned back to Chaosville.

My Little Pony Discord Sample Page
My Little Pony : Discord and the Ponyville Players Sample Page

Nea’s Experience

My favorite character is Fluttershy because she always stood up for her friend.
The book is fun and interesting.
What I liked best is how Discord proved that he can change and be trusted too.
What I learned is how important trust is.

For first-timer, it is challenging to understand the story easily as there are no pictures to help you visualize what’s happening. It took me 5 days to finish the book with my Mommy’s encouragement.

BUT this book is still a good start to practice chapter book reading. The texts are not that overwhelming and the words are still simple and easy to understand.

I highly recommend this book for starters in their chapter book reading journey.

5 stars

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